Archive for the ‘Offbeat News’ Category

Northeastern states in the U.S. are facing a jack-o’-lantern shortage this Halloween after Hurricane Irene destroyed hundreds of pumpkin patches across the region, farmers say.

A man claiming to be the secret son of John Diefenbaker is getting a chance to test his DNA against that of the former prime minister.

Two men are accused of driving around with a dead friend, using his ATM card and visiting a strip club in a less-amusing real-life version of the film Weekend at Bernie’s.

Celebrity White House gate crasher husband Tareq Salahi is glad his wife, Michaele, is OK but heartbroken that she’s left home to be with another man, reported to be lead guitarist for the rock band Journey, the couple’s attorney said

2 firefighters among those who saved man also get stung in California

Two P.E.I. brothers who recently discovered they had, unbeknownst to each other, each taken in orphaned baby raccoons, now face the difficult decision of letting the animals go.

A New Brunswick fisherman says it was the “shock of a lifetime” when he pulled a rare sand tiger shark out of the Petitcodiac River.

Spotted: Top ten money saving tips

Posted: September 16, 2011 in Offbeat News
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Inspired by the 2012 Old Farmer’s Almanac devoted to cost-cutting, we asked readers for their best money saving tips and tricks. Here are the top ten.

It’s a tale as old as time – small town kid seeks the bright lights of the big city. Only this time, that brave young soul was a lost cat from Colorado who turned up after five years living large in Manhattan!

Scarlett Johannson isn’t the first celebrity to enlist the authorities in a phone-hacking case. Here’s a look at some prominent stars who have been victimized by hackers.